Monday, September 29, 2008

The EPA Tap Water Cover-up

Municipal (Tap) water suppliers are quick to point out that they are regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and, because of that regulation, tap water is safe to drink.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The EPA merely sets arbitrary standards for contaminants in tap water and then tests against those minimum levels of contaminants.

But there is no scientific proof that the EPA standards are safe for your body. No one has assessed the medium and long term damage for lead, copper, arsenic, pesticides,MTBE, rocket fuel and other poisons permitted in tap water by EPA standards. And, the EPA has not even established testing standards for pharmaceuticals that are freely dumped into our water supply.

No wonder tap water smells and tastes terrible.

Go to the EPA home page and see for yourself. It makes interesting reading if you investigate it thoroughly.

As an alternative to contaminated tap water try purified water.

1 comment:

paul.swider said...

I've heard there's a new machine that can detect drugs in the water in real time. Anyone know if this is legit?
I sure hope so.