Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tap Water vs. Bottled Water

It's doubtful whether or not anyone today except possibly a senior citizen can remember a time when drinking water was something that you never had to give a second thought. You knew it was clean, knew it was pure, and there was no need for any sort of testing. The mountain springs were pure and untouched, and if by chance you happened upon one of them on a camping trip, you could scoop some of that sparkling water up in your hands and drink to your heart's content without any fear of that water making you sick. Just try doing that today!

For many, many people, if it isn't bottled water, it won't pass through their lips. This happened fairly quickly if you stop and think about it. When we first started to noticed bottled water in movies and television programs, we laughed. Who in the world would pay money for something that everyone has in their homes for free? We'd read snippets in the tabloid newspapers about famous personalities who would only give their pets bottled water to drink, and shake our heads in disbelief. During this time, there were three, maybe four brands of bottled water tops. The selection was nowhere near as wide and varied as it is today.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The EPA Tap Water Cover-up

Municipal (Tap) water suppliers are quick to point out that they are regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and, because of that regulation, tap water is safe to drink.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The EPA merely sets arbitrary standards for contaminants in tap water and then tests against those minimum levels of contaminants.

But there is no scientific proof that the EPA standards are safe for your body. No one has assessed the medium and long term damage for lead, copper, arsenic, pesticides,MTBE, rocket fuel and other poisons permitted in tap water by EPA standards. And, the EPA has not even established testing standards for pharmaceuticals that are freely dumped into our water supply.

No wonder tap water smells and tastes terrible.

Go to the EPA home page and see for yourself. It makes interesting reading if you investigate it thoroughly.

As an alternative to contaminated tap water try purified water.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Is Water Important for Health?

Pure water is health - it's as critical as that. Without water you will die and without pure water you will die from a number of ailments.

Nothing kills life quicker than the lack of water. Those with the worst health conditions drink less water than healthier people. Asthma is a condition resulting from lack of water. Cancer and heart disease can be traced to a lack of pure water. Water is not only harmful from municipal water sources but also can be harmful if it passes through corrosive water pipes. City dwellers need to investigate sources of purified water in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Check your city’s water source. You could be drinking chlorinated sewer water that contains lead, copper or other harmful elements it picks up from residential water pipes!

Think of your family in addition to yourself. Children are particularly sensitive to contaminated water as are the elderly.

Drink purified water for your health!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Private Label Bottled Water for All Occasions

As holiday time approaches, many people are looking for a new and memorable gift.

One unique gift is private label bottled water and it adds value to both personal occasions (like birthdays family events, birthdays, reunions and holidays etc.) and corporate events (Christmas parties, sales events, retirement parties etc.) . The list of occasions for private label bottled water is endless.

Quality private label bottled water can now be designed, purchased and delivered off of the internet from companies like Element H2O who provide purified bottled water and the ability to create your own design, use a pre-exiting design or work with a qualified label designer.

The process is painless and results in a quality gift with a custom message that will give a memory to all of the family and event participants.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Healthy Diet and Purified Water

Obessity is a problem for Americans of all ages and following a proper diet is one part (along with regular exercise) of losing weight.

But there are two important points to remember about losing weight.

Moderation and balance are the keys. Moderation means slow continuous weight reduction as part of an overall lifestyle plan. Rapid weight loss is dangerous and often results in greater weight gain.

In addition eliminating one sector of your daily nutrition requirements (like fat or carbohydrates) accomplishes little in the long run. Always consume sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables.

Lastly do not forget water. Water hydrates and lubricates the body and eases the stress of calorie reduction.

But not just any water. Tap water is polluted and most bottled water is not much better.

It is best to drink purified water that uses a steam distillation process. Only pure water will enter your body and it will help you lose weight and keep it off.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Does Your Body Get Minerals From Water?

Many proponents of tap and spring water point out that the minerals contained in their water are necessary for health because the minerals (like calcium) are necessary and are absorbed by the body.

Nothing could be farther from the truth! As Dr. Andrew Weil points out, minerals are non soluble and are absorbed from the food we eat, not the water we drink. Dr. Weil further explains that the best water to drink is purified water using a steam distillation process.

Tap water, no matter what the proponents claim, is loaded with harmful contaminants like chlorine, fluoride, lead, arsenic and pharmaceuticals. It smells bad, tastes bad and poses a threat to your health.