It's doubtful whether or not anyone today except possibly a senior citizen can remember a time when drinking water was something that you never had to give a second thought. You knew it was clean, knew it was pure, and there was no need for any sort of testing. The mountain springs were pure and untouched, and if by chance you happened upon one of them on a camping trip, you could scoop some of that sparkling water up in your hands and drink to your heart's content without any fear of that water making you sick. Just try doing that today!
For many, many people, if it isn't bottled water, it won't pass through their lips. This happened fairly quickly if you stop and think about it. When we first started to noticed bottled water in movies and television programs, we laughed. Who in the world would pay money for something that everyone has in their homes for free? We'd read snippets in the tabloid newspapers about famous personalities who would only give their pets bottled water to drink, and shake our heads in disbelief. During this time, there were three, maybe four brands of bottled water tops. The selection was nowhere near as wide and varied as it is today.